I am passionate about creating powerful support so you can live your charmed life.
No matter what you face or what your goals are, WELCOME!

The Instructor: Mary Caelsto
I am a transformative spiritual life coach who helps dynamic souls live their charmed life.
Some have called me driven. Type A personality. A go-getter. A Capricorn’s Capricorn. They’d frequently ask how I got everything done, and like you I’d shrug and say I just did. I didn’t know how. I just did it. I had to, right? Until the early 2000s when everything changed.
An exceedingly stressful time at my corporate job (already a hostile and demanding workplace no matter how many “feel good” buzzwords they used), led into something I’ll never forget. Two weeks of huge stress-induced hives. Can you say HELLO MAST CELL ACTIVATION? And something more…
Because after the hives came the pain. Chronic, unrelenting, all over pain. Fatigue. The doctor diagnosed me with fibromyalgia, then like many patients when the “big 3” FDA approved drugs didn’t work, told me there was “nothing more” they could do. This was well over fifteen years ago and nothing in terms of doctors and their treatment of me has changed. Being the go-getter, I realized I had to find my own answers. I went on a journey to discover how to live my charmed life. So as soon as that toxic job laid me off, I packed up my partner, my horse, our cats, bearded dragons, parrot, and yes beta fish, not to mention my mom, and moved to the Missouri Ozarks. We’ve been here since 2013, and I’ve been on a mission to become friends with my “fibro chicken”, rather than its enemy, ever since.

Some fibromyalgia patients talk about their “fibro monster”. Others call themselves “fibro warriors”, but my fibromyalgia is a chicken. Sometimes she tucks me beneath her wings and tells me to slow down. Take it easy. Other times she’s a real peck-erhead. She accompanies me around the homestead, doing chores, caring for the flock (and the horses and the pet pigs, oh and let’s not forget the cobra chicken, aka goose). And she helps me tune into myself, take it easy, and share my hard-earned knowledge with the world. I wouldn’t be myself without her, and she’s taught me invaluable lessons. My disability isn’t a curse. It might be a blessing all the time, but I am creating the life I want to live. That’s what Charmed Chicken Academy is all about. Creating the life your dynamic soul wants to live.
My goal at the Charmed Chicken Academy is to share with you the skills you need to live your best, charmed life. We all have struggles. We are all wounded souls. You might have a dynamic disability, or just consider yourself as living with a chronic illness affecting your mental health, physical health, or both. Perhaps you’re neurodivergent (a big welcome from me!), or just feeling a little lost in the world. Whatever you face, you are welcome at Charmed Chicken Acdemy and I look forward to meeting you.

You are not alone.
Too many people dealing with life’s issues feel alone. Like there’s no one to talk to and no one really supports them. That’s not the case here. There’s no BS, no hand waving around the important issues. Just straight talk and honest support from me to you.